Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Fat Polar Bear (Breaking the Ice)

Hey all!

My name's Garrett. I've lived in Dallas since the day I came to be, and don't see that changing anytime soon. I work at Chili's close to UTD, so hopefully if you've come in and come across me the experience wasn't all too awful and the food near decent. I just had jaw surgery two weeks ago today and currently spend my days fighting off dreams of burgers and steaks - still about four more weeks till those fantasies become a reality again. The worst of the experience rests far behind me though, let me just say that finding out anesthetics make you nauseous after being under for five hours doesn't make for a fun weekend.

A bit more about myself past facial reconstruction and work, however. I consider myself quite the nerd. I changed over to EMAC from Computer Science because it just wasn't a good enough fit for me (and too antisocial), but I still have a huge love for anything computer. I'm currently reading my way through the epic journey that is Lord of the Rings, and playing The Witcher 3 with what free time I can muster, so if you have a steam let me know or just give me an add - my name on there is aknifeandacoke.

When it comes to media, I for sure consume it in any and all forms. There's a weekly paper at my doorstep, I catch the news when I can, used to watch The Colbert Report (RIP), and of course stumble across it everyday digitally. With sites like Reddit, quick access news websites, and even Facebook avoiding media is hard to do. Let me say though, that currently I have the biggest pet peeve I've ever built up...and that is clickbait. Sites such as Buzzfeed and the like drive me insane. When I come across any link that goes along the lines of "Wow! I'm in tears after what this person did..." or the like I cringe a bit inside and look away. I fear that with this trend digital media is heading down a dark place!

I tend to keep a reserved face when it comes to participating in digital media and am much more a consumer then participator, but I'm hoping this course will change all that!

-Garrett King


  1. The good thing is that you know it's click bait and can call it that! The last thing I want to teach you is how to produce click bait! Nice to meet you Garrett!

  2. What a great headline title! I'd say you have some copywriting skills. I can relate to being more of a consumer of media verses a participator. I'd like to change that as well.

  3. Have to agree with Micaela, the title is fantastic! How is the Witcher 3? It looks really really good, but I haven't played the previous two; would you say they are necessary to enjoy 3 to its fullest?

    Sorry about your wait on the delicious foods, hang in there man!

    1. Well, considering I've read all of the Witcher's books (which is how it started by the way - not as a game!) and played the other two for an insane amount of hours, I'd say it's like watching the last Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings without any background. It's epic and enjoyable sure, but you get so so sooooo much more taking the time to play and read the past lore. Not to mention they are all so well put together!
