Thursday, June 25, 2015

Blog 7

Miss Representation was highly accurate when discussing the media's role in depicting women. I feel like these days since sex sells so much, the easiest thing to do is put a woman on a tv show or commercial in little or no clothing. What really got to me was the reaction of young teenage girls and how they are affected by what the media does. I didn't realize that maybe I wasn't happy with my body because I was seeing all these girls as size 0 displayed everywhere on television and movies. It made me reevaluate why maybe I am so obsessed with working out so much or looking better in a swimsuit. I think the thing that they pointed out the most that I was surprised about is the disney princesses. The princesses are in skimpy clothing and always trying to find prince charming to rescue them. It made me realize the media has had an effect on women since they could sit through cartoon movies. Also, I realized that men get objectified in media too, not as often as women but it still happens. In the disney movies, the boy is always tall, muscular, and strong. We depict our prince charming to look a certain way too when in reality, men don't always look like that. I think women are more susceptible to being objectified but it happens to men too.


  1. I also found it interesting that the documentary mentioned that men are also exposed to unrealistic expectations of how a "typical" man is supposed to look and even act. Since the documentary mentioned this, I think it's safe to say that the realm of the media affecting women has expanded to affecting everyone of all types and genders.

  2. I agree with your post. However, we have a flaw in our upbringing as a culture. Somehow, somewhere there has not been enough dedication toward providing us all with a solid foundation for strong self efficacy. What can we do differently to change these patterns?
