Upwardly Mobile: The rise of the connected class, how ironic. I would say the rise of a totally unconnected class. It is sad to say, but our society in todays world in not near being connected, at least as human beings. We might be connected as a cancer that is destroying our system slowly, but other than that there is probably 1 or 2 people in a thousand that might be really connected with each other and that would be like family members or friends. Sadly enough we can all see the reality that surrounds us. The typical way of thinking is "me" "me" and "me" it is all about "me" Most people tend to forget that they are not the only ones who participate in every action, decision, choice taken or made on a daily basis.
One of the main topics that grabbed my attention was a question stated in the first paragraph of this ad "how can all humans achieve more in a connected world?"("socialmediaweek") This so out of context, our society is not going to achieve anything as long as we let the social media drive our lives. Social media is full of lies, misleading information. Three of their main key topics in the reading are, "Live, Work and Create".
Apparently our citizens are being empowered to to take control of their own lives, their health, and education by the Social Media. Businesses are doing great due to the success of the media. I would say maybe this might be a true statement up to a certain level of understanding, meaning what success means to them and what it means to us. Finally, the creativity concept, where they feel that we are in a democratic environment in which Social Media helps to make our ideas come to life.
I like their closing statement "we’re looking forward to sharing an amazing year with you. Through engaging, entertaining, educational and diverse content and experiences, we will discover how our connected world helps us all achieve more and live more productive lives." ("socialmediaweek") I just feel that in order to make a change, or difference we need to start by acknowledging that we have a big disconnection between each other as a society eventhough we are connected cybernetic-ally. Cheers!!!
I think that the connectivity of modern day technology has a lot of potential but currently goes to waste. The issue we have, just like you said, is the focus on "me" and not "us". I hate to say it this way, but technology needs to begin to force a more social and connected lifestyle rather than making it an option in the sidebar.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely agree. My Dad is the only one who actually still calls me to talk! We usually spend 45 minutes or more every other week catching up (he lives in Michigan), again, actually talking! It is insanity to me that the majority only speak through a form of social media and loosing the ability to just talk with each other. There is a great quote from the movie Contact that I love: "Are we happier as a human race? Is the world fundamentally a better place because of science and technology? We shop at home, we surf the Web... at the same time, we feel emptier, lonelier and more cut off from each other than at any other time in human history... We're becoming a synthesized society.... In a great big hurry to get the next...
ReplyDeleteWe're looking for meaning. What is meaning? We have mindless jobs, we take frantic vacations, deficit finance trips to the mall to buy more things we think will fill these holes in our lives. Is it any wonder that we've lost our sense of direction?"
Great post Walter. And I love these thought provoking comments.