Wednesday, June 24, 2015

$chool Kills

Since we are on the topic of the media and women this week I would like to take a moment to look at Rhianna and the new accessory and clothing line that she is launching called $CHOOL Kills. As seen before she does not care if she is a role model even though she is a very influential woman to young women, and she has even stated this herself saying “I can’t really say I’m a role model. I’m not perfect. I’m not trying to sell that.”, along with “Role Model is not a position or title that I have ever campaigned for”. The issue her though is that she is a role model whether she wants to be or not and this brand that she is making could encourage followers to feel down on education because it's “cool”. While there is not much information out there about why she chose this as her brand name it could very well have a deeper meaning to it. As someone as influential as herself though should she have maybe picked a name that wouldn't possibly have negative connotations about education?


  1. Wow, that is really interesting, and a little bit shocking. Whether or you think you did or did not "campaign" for becoming a role model, that's what comes with the status of being a famous singer. She clearly is disregarding any negative effect that this could have on her fans by choosing that brand name.

  2. I can't say I'm surprised. Even though she claims she does not consider herself a role model, I don't see her brand name inspiring any kind of positivity or good. It's a bummer she couldn't use her platform to promote a positive brand, even it is a play on words. "Kills", really?

  3. I think Rihanna thinks it is "cool" to sport this kind of logo. I don't understand why she doesn't realize how big of a role model she is. She will make other kids think that this kind of logo is "cool" too, and it sends a bad message to kids these days. We have enough bad role models in the public eye; we don't need anymore.

  4. wow, that is so sad. I don't Know if public figures realize that the moment you become famous, you instantly can become a role model for others, it becomes a responsibility that you can chose to acknowledge or ignore. It is disappointing that she chooses her influence to portray this kind of message.

  5. I imagine that all these famous people are owned in some way by an enormous media machine. They may say they are not "role models", but who provides their paycheck? With the stakes that high and addictive, it's easy to sell out a personal passion and love for singing or acting shifting their intrinsic motivation to extrinsic. The only way to not feel terrible about themselves is to keep being the puppet, yet keep living the outward lie. I'm glad I don't have to look at myself in the mirror everyday with that on my shoulders.
