So I don't spend much time online these days, but when I do, it is on Facebook. Lately there has been nothing but news about the McKinney Police department, and the recent controversy. So with all of this not so great news on my feed I usually turn to Barkpost. Barkpost is a site run by the founders of Barkbox. These post are usually a cute or heart touching story about dogs or people who are doing things to help dogs out. They also post great articles on places to take your pups, treats to make them, and puppy essentials.This is the kind of post that I am drawn to because with my two pups I am always looking for new stuff to get them, do with them, or make them. Today when I got on I saw a beautiful story about a dog who was paralyzed and her human got to see her walk for the first time in years.

Woman sees her dog walk for first time after miracle surgery
For me this video is touching. I could not imagine one day either of my babies not being able to walk. It would be a very hard thing to get used to considering every time I come home they run to the door to great me with kisses. This is a feel good post that is particularly aimed towards dog parents, but I believe that it reaches out to a much broader audience for the pure fact that it is a happy story which is a great break from all the doom and gloom that is usually out there in our feeds and on the news.
I love stuff like this. I am a total animal person and my favorite aspect of our generation's obsession with social media, is the excessive amount of posts and videos of animals! :)