Friday, June 19, 2015

Blog 6

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away grew a young prince named John. While John was just a young boy, he became friends with a local girl named Jane. Although the prince and Jane came from completely different backgrounds, they soon became great friends since they had similar interests and generally shared the same interests. This unique friendship lasted their entire childhood, however, when they reached their teenage years they started to see less and less of each other due to their family situations.
When Prince John turned 18 years old, it was decided that he needed to find a bride. This would not be just an ordinary bride or wife, this would be the next Queen of his kingdom. He searched high and low throughout the land. John was a very attractive young man, who came from a very attractive family and had an image in his mind of what his bride should look like. Although he eventually met different women who fit the mold of what he thought his Queen should be, he realized that he never felt like any of them were compatible with him.
Prince John became increasingly frustrated with his search and did not know how to find the right bride for him. One day, he decided to speak with his mother about his situation. He told her about the image he had of his future wife and how he had been seeking her. The Queen laughed and said, “John, the image that you are describing sounds just like someone I know.” John was confused and then his mother continued to explain, “You need to find the right person for you, someone who you have common interests with and can love.”

John left the castle somewhat disappointed with his mother’s message. He was hoping that she would have made his search easier, but she hadn’t. However, he did have a new understanding of why he had been unsuccessful in finding his bride. Shortly after his discussion with the Queen, the Prince coincidentally ran into his old friend Jane. Although they had not seen each other in quite some time they both felt completely at ease and quickly caught up with each other. Soon after, John realized that even though Jane did not have the same social background, or even did not look like Queen he had envisioned, she was the one for him. Prince John proposed and she accepted. They married the next spring and lived happily ever after.

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