Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Blog 7: Miss Representation

This documentary was basically about all the different ways media is hurting the image and self-esteem of women. Coming from the perspective of someone going into the marketing and advertising industry, the images and videos shown are so very familiar.  Sex sells. Is it right? Not even in the slightest.  But that’s the strategy that plays into many advertising campaigns.  Playing on people’s insecurities is something the advertising industry has been doing for a while.  There are numerous adverts dating way back that play women off as “dumb” (see the Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz Ford Skyliner commercial).
Once again, it isn’t something I agree with.  One of the ways to stop media from portraying women poorly, is to stop buying the media.  Stop watching it. Stop buying the magazines. Stop buying the products that were promoted by sexualized and unrealistic portrayals of women.  Another way to combat this terrible picture that has been painted by media is through parenting.  The woman narrating was talking about how she worries about bringing up her baby girl in this media.  As parents, we need to teach our children that what the media projects is wrong.  We need to teach them that their self-worth is not defined by a magazine/actress/model.  They need to know that they are beautiful and powerful no matter what size they are.  I hope that one day we can put an end to this harmful media and use advertising to empower individuals rather than play on their insecurities. 

As a side note, there are companies trying to combat the negative images of women. Also, there is the HeForShe campaign which promotes gender equality (
Here’s the Dove evolution campaign: 

Always #LikeAGirl campaign:


  1. I agree. Honestly, is there a way to stop it? Unless we convince everyone (or make them care) that they are being controlled and played by advertising, etc., what really can be done to put a stop to this? I have a lot of respect for those companies going against the grain and sending out a positive message.

    1. I don't think it will completely go away. It's always nice to see companies that are trying to send out a positive message!

  2. These campaigns drive me crazy. Mostly because I believe we should not need them. Yes they are promoting great things for women and I respect that but it is sad that we can not just have a society accepting enough to not put women down.

  3. Teaching self worth is very important for children. I also think that these campaigns should not be needed but they are. My problem with the documentary was that they do not mention anything like this or discuss any positives.

    1. There is good media out there! Bad media just speaks louder. I wish they would have gone into the positive side of media.
