Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Confederate Flag - Blog 8

The power of the media today is radically disconcerting. There are so many “hot button” topics that stir up the vocal majority. When the button is pushed all “hell” breaks loose. Every time I turn on the television, or access a news site, it’s a boiling pot of negativity in commentary.  

This week the Confederate flag is subjected to the “ax.”   These contagious reactions are getting out of control.  The getting rid of flags is not going to get rid of racism.  It is a higher level of thinking and a mindful thought process with which news should be reported. Currently, the media seems to be feeding the fire of negativity what is should be doing is dousing the flames.   For every negative affirmation there should be a positive one instead of creating continual negative feedback loops.  Negative feedback loops create toxic energy and remain in the conscious mind …sometimes for generations.  People are important. People are intelligent. We can be valuable to society. We understand symbolism and can analyze it appropriately.  Positive energy creates a positive environment.


  1. I agree that people are getting way to wrapped up in this issue. I also agree that getting rid of the flag won't make racism disappear. I do however think that the flag should be taken down because I believe it is embarrassing and makes us look bad as a nation..

  2. You're absolutely right we should work together for a better nation. Sometimes I try to avoid bad media but sometimes I believe that by doing so I wont know what is happening in the world. There are times I watch different media outlet just to get a different perspective of the news.

  3. Getting rid of this flag will not help. Yes it stands for something that is oppressive to some but people do have their rights to believe what they will. Obviously it should not be hung in public places but people having it in their homes is up to them. If we get rid of this flag we would have to get rid of many of the flags that have an oppressive past.

  4. Getting rid of the flag definitely won't help any of the current issues the nation is facing, although I do believe every flag has a meaning and we should embrace the meaning instead of trying to get rid of history, as you said, we are an intelligent civilization and should act accordingly, not blame racism on a flag.
